
Finance Information

1연결재무제표(Consolidated Financial Statements)

연결재무상태표(Consolidated Financial Statements) unit:krw

과목(Account) FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
자산 (Assets)
유동자산 (Current Assets) 33,500,414,627 57,686,557,586 48,438,430,118
당좌자산(Quick Assets) 9,730,571,153 40,265,761,952 36,729,435,397
재고자산(Inventories) 23,769,843,474 17,420,795,634 11,708,994,721
비유동자산 (Non-current Assets) 36,502,358,854 32,082,436,410 24,770,941,039
유형자산 (Property, Plant and Equipment) 18,172,091,068 18,796,634,460 19,526,745,266
무형자산 (Intangible Assets) 1,701,229,010 2,568,098,348 3,412,412,390
기타비유동자산 (Other Non-current Assets) 16,629,038,776 10,717,703,602 1,831,783,383
자산총계 (Total Assets) 70,002,773,481 89,768,993,996 73,209,371,157
부채 (Liabilities)
유동부채 (Current Liabilities) 19,195,088,659 31,182,109,825 16,401,934,778
비유동부채 (Non-current Liabilities) 1,510,256,222 3,313,303,539 3,342,154,303
부채총계 (Total Liabilities) 20,705,344,881 34,495,413,364 19,744,089,081
자본(Stockholders' Equity)
자본금 (Capital Stock) 14,313,207,000 13,030,978,000 13,030,978,000
자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 101,994,362,404 92,892,843,639 90,868,286,222
(Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income)
2,935,838,478 2,929,936,121 2,704,367,221
자본조정 (Capital Adjustment) (2,875,127,783) (6,386,299,523) (6,466,696,668)
이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings or Accumulated Deficit) (67,070,851,499) (47,193,877,605) (46,671,652,699)
(Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent)
49,297,428,600 55,273,580,632 53,465,282,076
비지배지분 (Non-controlling Interests)
자본총계 (Total Stockholders' Equity) 49,297,428,600 55,273,580,632 53,465,282,076
(Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity)
70,002,773,481 89,768,993,996 73,209,371,157

연결포괄손익누계액 (Comprehensive Income) unit:krw

과목(Account) FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
매출액 (Sales Revenue) 21,694,145,951 52,557,973,659 44,140,528,668
매출원가 (Costs of Goods and Services Sold) 19,991,710,561 40,766,243,154 35,946,064,605
매출총이익(손실) (Gross Profit or Loss) 1,702,435,390 11,791,730,505 8,194,464,063
판매비와관리비 (Selling and Administrative Expenses) 11,056,082,606 10,571,451,774 12,714,609,553
영업이익(손실) (Operating Income and Loss) (9,353,647,216) 1,220,278,731 (4,520,145,490)
기타수익 (Other Income) 2,727,525,945 4,483,349,590 1,528,973,595
기타비용 (Other Expenses) 9,478,643,224 2,580,445,532 3,963,533,943
금융수익 (Finance Income) 2,199,123,970 466,344,643 624,677,029
금융비용 (Finance Costs) 5,912,841,465 4,749,674,325 2,740,971,195
(Income Loss Before Income Taxes Expenses)
(19,849,964,286) (1,160,146,893) (9,071,000,004)
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation Tax) (226,714,991) (442,203,130) (586,015,508)
당기순이익 (Net Income or Loss) (19,623,249,295) (717,943,763) (8,484,984,496)
기타포괄손익(Other Comprehensive Income) (247,822,242) 501,684,902 400,019,491
총포괄손익 (Total Comprehensive Income) (19,871,071,537) (216,258,861) (8,084,965,005)
당기순이익(손실)의 귀속
(Profit (Loss), Attributable to)
(Profit (Loss), Attrubutable to Owners of Parent)
(19,623,249,295) (717,943,763) (8,978,142,879)
(Profit (Loss), Attrubutable to Non-controlling Interests)
포괄손익의 귀속
(Profit (Loss), Attrubutable to Owners of Parent)
(19,871,071,537) (216,258,861) (8,578,123,388)
(Profit (Loss), Attrubutable to Non-controlling Interests)
(Basic Earnings or Net Loss Per Share)
(743) (29) (376)

2별도재무제표(Separate Financial Statements)

별도재무상태표(Separate Financial Statements) unit:krw

과목(Account) FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
자산 (Assets)
유동자산 (Current Assets) 32,651,620,998 56,874,029,096 46,656,770,857
당좌자산(Quick Assets) 9,346,001,174 39,871,328,885 35,309,056,367
재고자산(Inventories) 23,305,619,824 17,002,700,211 11,347,714,490
비유동자산 (Non-current Assets) 36,909,729,871 32,253,317,361 27,931,644,109
유형자산 (Property, Plant and Equipment) 17,886,121,912 18,473,370,504 19,345,722,892
무형자산 (Intangible Assets) 1,701,229,010 2,568,098,348 3,412,412,390
기타비유동자산 (Other Non-current Assets) 17,322,378,949 11,211,848,509 5,173,508,827
자산총계 (Total Assets) 69,561,350,869 89,127,346,457 74,588,414,966
부채 (Liabilities)
유동부채 (Current Liabilities) 18,643,202,037 30,779,616,301 18,759,906,414
비유동부채 (Non-current Liabilities) 1,510,256,222 3,313,303,539 3,342,154,303
부채총계 (Total Liabilities) 20,153,458,259 34,092,919,840 22,102,060,717
자본(Stockholders' Equity)
자본금 (Capital Stock) 14,313,207,000 13,030,978,000 13,030,978,000
자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 101,933,078,649 92,831,559,884 90,807,002,467
자본조정 (Capital Adjustment) (2,875,127,783) (6,386,299,523) (6,386,299,523)
이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings or Accumulated Deficit) (66,899,128,477) (47,371,747,865) (44,965,326,695)
자본총계 (Total Stockholders' Equity) 49,407,892,610 55,034,426,617 52,486,354,249
(Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity)
69,561,350,869 89,127,346,457 74,588,414,966

포괄손익누계액 (Comprehensive Income) unit:krw

과목(Account) FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
매출액 (Sales Revenue) 19,372,854,972 48,185,233,722 41,663,726,085
매출원가 (Costs of Goods and Services Sold) 17,709,464,014 36,353,314,158 32,124,406,496
매출총이익(손실) (Gross Profit or Loss) 1,663,390,958 11,831,919,564 9,539,319,589
판매비와관리비 (Selling and Administrative Expenses) 10,850,450,616 10,213,457,747 11,785,843,254
영업이익(손실) (Operating Income and Loss) (9,187,059,658) 1,618,461,817 (2,246,523,665)
기타수익 (Other Income) 2,721,697,708 5,092,946,276 1,337,395,240
기타비용 (Other Expenses) 9,310,954,997 2,594,377,872 3,390,493,765
금융수익 (Finance Income) 2,188,787,408 458,966,069 623,506,954
금융비용 (Finance Costs) 5,912,841,465 4,749,674,325 2,738,301,612
(Income Loss Before Income Taxes Expenses)
(19,500,371,004) (173,678,035) (6,414,416,848)
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation Tax) (226,714,991) (442,203,130) (586,015,508)
당기순이익 (Net Income or Loss) (19,273,656,013) 268,525,095 (5,828,401,340)
기타포괄손익(Other Comprehensive Income) (247,797,499) 254,989,856 (42,190,020)
총포괄손익 (Total Comprehensive Income) (19,521,453,512) 523,514,951 (5,870,591,360)
(Basic Earnings or Net Loss Per Share)
(729) 11 (244)